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you and Adam inside me at the same time?"
"Of course it does. I'm not a eunuch."
Tyler laughed before he bit Lucas lightly on the ear lobe. "Get us two shots. I gotta take
a piss. While I'm gone, think about how wide I'm going to be after you and Adam get through
with me. All loose and sloppy," he added in a rough whisper.
Lucas had to close his eyes as Tyler danced away. He'd heard of double-teaming a girl,
of course. Spit roasting her. But two guys inside another at the same time...
"Fuck," he groaned, pressing the heel of his hand against the erection in his pants. Being
gay was awesome.
The bartender finally noticed him and poured four tequila shots. Lucas lined them up
before spinning on the stool to survey the scene. He waved at Kip who was sandwiched
between two guys on the dance floor, clearly enjoying the attention. A few other pirates were
visible in conversations around the room. Ben emerged from the throng, flushed and sweating.
He grinned at Lucas when he noticed him and jogged over.
"Whew! It's hot in here!" he exclaimed while clapping Lucas on the shoulder. "How're
you doing? Having a good time?"
"Sure am. You look like you've been dancing."
"That and more," Ben said with a wink. "Gotta love being a celebrity. I'll never get tired
of being offered up hot booty." He saw the glasses behind Lucas. "Waiting for Prince Charming
or are you pounding those by yourself?"
"Ty and I are splitting them."
"Ah. Glad to hear you're getting along." Ben wiped his sweating chest and face with his
shirt before tucking it back into his breeches. "He told me things have been tense between you.
I think it's been stressing him out."
"Yeah?" Lucas had to reassess the situation. Jumping to conclusions about the
relationship between Tyler and Ben seemed to have been a mistake. "What else did he tell
"Only that he hopes things change. Didn't say in which way, but I think we both know."
Lucas smiled at Ben's teasing tone. "Yeah, I guess we do."
"You're okay with me, right?" Ben asked after a brief pause. "You're not mad that Adam
switched us up for the night? I'm sure it's only temporary. Or I hope it is. I like falling off the
mast more than I like diving into the water, even if I do get Ty as a reward at the end."
Lucas kicked himself for ever thinking a bad thing about Ben. "I'm not mad at you. It
wasn't your choice. And I agree, I think you do a better job than I do falling off the mast."
"And you do a better job at turning Tyler on. It took him a while to get himself hard
enough to do me." Ben winced as Lucas' eyes widened. "Er, maybe you'd better not let him
know I told you that. Hell hath no fury like a Tyler wronged."
Heart pounding, Lucas promised, "No worries." He felt better than he had all day. "Hey,
you want a drink? Let me grab the bartender."
Ben caught him by the shoulder as he started to turn towards the bar. "Nah, let's just do
those shots. Tyler probably won't be back for a while yet."
"He just went to the restroom."
Reaching over Lucas' shoulder for one of the shots, Ben said, "I don't think so. I saw
him heading out of here while I was on my way to talk to you."
The relief that had filled Lucas suddenly vanished. "Wait, you saw him going out the
front door?"
"Yeah. So let's do these shots, buddy."
Lucas jumped off the stool. "I'm sorry. Ben. Maybe another time. I have to go."
Before Ben could question him, Lucas pushed through the crowd and out of the bar.
Ahead, he spotted Tyler midway through the parking lot, heading for one of the waiting taxis.
"You asshole," Lucas gritted. He sprinted after Tyler, catching him before the other man
could reach the taxi. He yanked a startled Tyler around. "What the hell? You tricked me?"
The familiar sneer took over Tyler's face. "It's not my fault you bought my bullshit." He
jerked his arm out of Lucas' grip. "Go back inside. This doesn't have anything to do with you."
Lucas couldn't believe his attitude. "How can this not have anything to do with me?
Adam's my captain too. He's my friend and maybe more than that if things work out. I want to
find him as badly as you do."
"Oh, yeah?" Tyler's eyes narrowed. "And what if things get ugly? What if Rory wants a
piece of you just like he did in the jungle? Am I going to have to save your ass again?"
A shiver ripped through Lucas at the reminder of what Donahue had done to him. But
following quickly on the heels of that shame raced anger, hot and cleansing.
"This is a completely different situation and you know it," he bit out. "If he touches me
again he'll regret it for the rest of his life."
Whatever was on his face or in his voice seemed to convince Tyler of his seriousness.
"I don't want you screwing this up," he told Lucas. "Adam's all I have, damn it."
"He's mine too," Lucas shot back.
Tyler blinked. The shock on his face was almost comical. Lucas waited for the
inevitable backlash against his declaration. But Tyler only looked away. A muscled pulsed in
his jaw.
"Get in the taxi," he finally gritted out as if the words pained him.
Lucas didn't hesitate. He jumped into the backseat. Tyler slid in after him and muttered
an address to the driver.
They merged into the late-night party traffic, heading away from Hidden Idol to the
"Where are we going?" Lucas asked.
"Rory's house." Tyler banged his fist softly against his thigh. "I can't believe I'm
bringing you with me," he whispered as if to himself.
"Two of us are better than one, Ty."
"This doesn't even involve you."
Lucas resisted the urge to slap some sense into the other man. "Why do you keep
denying the truth? I mean, seriously, you're the only one who still thinks I'm not involved with
you and Adam. Accept it, Tyler: the three of us are together now."
"I like how I was never given the choice," Tyler snarled.
It was so easy to read him. Whatever Tyler said meant nothing when the truth was on
his face.
"What if I gave you the choice now?" Lucas challenged him softly. "Tell the driver to
pull over and let me out. Deal with this on your own. It'll be back to just you and Adam. Back
to fucking random guys and throwing them away after you've had your fill of them."
He could tell Tyler wanted to punch him. His arm visibly vibrated with tension.
"But it would be smarter," Lucas went on, "if you let me come with you. Let me help
you. Together we can bring Adam back. And once he's back, we can do all the things you've
probably fantasized about. Those things you'll never tell me, and maybe not even Adam either.
It doesn't matter to me. I don't need your secrets, Ty. I just need you."
Looking young and uncertain and as defensive as a stray cat, Tyler hissed, "You sound
like you're in a fucking romance movie."
"Guys can be romantic too, can't they?" Lucas shrugged, unfazed by Tyler's apparent
hostility. The truth was obvious. "Call me a fag if you want. I can take it."
A bark of laughter burst from Tyler's mouth. "You are such a fag." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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